After the Corona pandemic, flexible forms of communication have remained relevant. This also applies to the virtual case conferences Actineo, a Verisk business, offers for efficient assessment of medical damage. Three questions on this to Dr. med. Peter Buchholz, specialist in surgery and trauma surgery and medical assessor at Actineo.
What are virtual case conferences?
Dr. med. Peter Buchholz: Case conferences are available to Actineo insurance customers for answering complex medical questions by telephone or video call with a very short lead time. Actineo provides both the platform for the virtual conference and the medical network in the fields of nursing, psychiatry, trauma surgery, orthopaedics and internal medicine. The case conferences help to explain the medical damage in an understandable way, to correctly assess the (expected) duration of the illness and to clarify questions of understanding.
What are the advantages of the format?
Dr. med. Peter Buchholz: Virtual case conferences offer advantages especially when facts are difficult to represent by purely written correspondence. In the case conferences, physicians can ask questions directly and, as a rule, receive immediate answers. The processes are accelerated considerably. In addition, the different perspectives on problems can be presented very well in this format. Actineo's doctors assess the medical context, while the insurance company's claims handlers know how the claim can be handled. In this way, problems can be solved better.
Did the Corona period influence the development?
Dr. med. Peter Buchholz, MD: The virtual case conferences became very established during the Corona period. It became apparent that contacts in presence are usually not necessary to discuss and evaluate complex issues. The format is also ideal for jointly viewing and assessing X-ray images. This saves an immense amount of time and improves workflows for everyone involved. We will continue to rely on this flexible and customer-friendly format in the future.
Foto: Dr. med. Peter Buchholz
Source: AM PULS – Das ACTINEO Magazin (Ausgabe 12 | September 2022)